DVA - Contact & About

The Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs (DVA) is a state agency mandated by state law. DVA is one of the four major operational divisions of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA). DVA offers advocacy to Colorado veterans, their family members and survivors in securing benefits they may be entitled to through their military service by providing the highest level of customer care and service with specially trained service officers.

DVA assists throughout the claims process with the Veterans Administration (VA) for state and federal benefits. DVA is not the Federal VA but rather a state government department working directly with and for veterans and eligible dependents.

DVA serves as a central source of information on veterans benefits, rights and issues. DVA directs, trains and assists County Veterans Service Officers (CVSO) from the local veterans assistance agencies in each of Colorado's counties. The CVSOs are there to assist you with your claim. It is important to stay in contact with your CVSO throughout the claims process.

When you have questions, make an appointment with your CVSO who will provide you with answers and any needed assistance. Further, DVA assists claimants in their appeals to decisions they believe to be erroneous by serving as their advocate and attorney-in-fact to obtain federal and/or state veterans benefits before the Board of Veteran Affairs.

Our Mission

To provide prompt and efficient service to all veterans on a uniform basis.


Operations and Veteran Services
155 Van Gordon, Suite 201 (first floor)
Lakewood, CO 80228
303-914-5832 • 303-914-5835 fax

155 Van Gordon, Suite 201 (first floor)
Lakewood, CO 80228

Veterans Memorial Cemetery
2830 Riverside Parkway
Grand Junction, CO 81501
970-263-8986 • 970-257-7450 fax

Western Region One Source
482 28 Road
Grand Junction, CO 81501
970-257-3760 • 970-245-0782 fax

Region 1
Hannah Eddings - Hannah.Eddings@dmva.state.co.us 
Drew Stem - Drew.Stem@dmva.state.co.us 

Region 2
Raymond Odum Raymond.Odum@dmva.state.co.us 
Glen Marciniak Glen.Marciniak@dmva.state.co.us 

Region 3
Howard Scott Bartee Howard.Bartee@dmva.state.co.us 
Frank LoBue III Frank.LoBue@dmva.state.co.us 


Monday - Friday
Open: 8:00am - 4:30pm